7 Tips For Planning A Nursery

Finding out you are pregnant can be such an exciting time filled with hope, wonder, and anticipation. Personally for me, when I found out I was pregnant with our son last spring, I couldn’t wait to get started on his nursery! I quickly started searching Pinterest for nursery inspo and changed my mind about 100 times with how I was going to decorate his room. You can see my first design here and how the room actually ended up here. As you can tell, I was all over the place. lol! But I truly love the way his room turned out and so I wanted to make a list of 7 things to consider when creating your own nursery! Hopefully this will help smooth out the process since it can be overwhelming in the beginning.

Your Chair Is An Investment


I can’t stress this one enough! You will spend a LOT of time in the chair you choose for your nursery. Especially if you plan on nursing. Before I bought our chair, I was looking at one from Target that was about half the price of the one I ended up buying and I am so glad I splurged on the better chair. The chair I got from Buy Buy Baby was much larger, comfier, and was custom. I was able to pick the fabric and the finish of the rocking legs. It is so comfortable too! I plan on using it when we have another baby in the future. When I imagined feeding my baby, I had these romanticized visions of nursing him in our bed late at night, but that never really happened for us. Since I stay home full time with our son, I always took him into his room to nurse so that my husband could keep sleeping and I just never got comfy enough in our bed to comfortably nurse him. So we still, even 8 months later, spend a lot of time in that chair.

Have Plenty of Storage


Babies have a LOT of stuff. How did we survive without all of the stuff they have now?? Make sure to have plenty of storage solutions to keep things clutter free as well as out of the hands of babes. Our dresser has a removable changing station with storage for diapers, wipes, etc. I also have baskets in the closet for extra toys, and other random things he doesn’t use daily. The more organized you are, the easier it’ll be to find the things you need during middle of the night diaper changes or feedings!

Keep It Practical


While it’s fun to go all out, it’s important to consider the every day when planning your nursery. Think about how your baby will navigate the space once they are old enough to crawl. Same with the chair, yes there might be one that is more aesthetically pleasing but is it one you’ll want to sit in for up to an hour at a time or possibly even longer? You know I always say you don’t have to sacrifice style for function, but you need to make sure you consider the function for this room too. At the end of the day, keeping it practical will make for a much easier transition.

Invest In Window Treatments


Window treatments are worth every penny! You will thank yourself later on this one for investing in either black out shades or curtains. They will help your baby sleep better and honestly do I need to explain any further than that? lol but seriously. They also help make a room look more complete so don’t skip out on these!

Use Pinterest For Inspiration

Pinterest is the best source for inspiration in my opinion. I love it because I feel its easier to find designs that are more budget friendly. But remember that your room doesn’t have to be an exact replica of a nursery you see on Pinterest. Make it your own and it’ll be one of your favorite rooms in the house!

Add Nursery Items To Your Registry

One of the best things I did was to add nursery decor to my registry. Decor pieces can add up and having someone else buy it for you is amazing! By adding your decor or furniture to your registry, an otherwise ordinary piece can become something special if it’s a gift from your grandparent, or your best friend. And anything that helps lower the cost out of your pocket is a win-win!

Take Your Time And Enjoy!

You have nine months to make this room a reality, so remember that it doesn’t have to all be done at once. As long as you get a crib and chair by the time baby is born, you’re in good hands! Our room was about 90% finished when our son was born. The shades were actually the last to be installed and we didn’t put them in until a couple months after he was born since he slept in a bassinet in our room for the first 5 months of his life. So my best advice to you is enjoy the process mama, because once baby is here, your whole life will change (for the better of course!).
