Ikea Montessori Toddler Kitchen Hack

Recently I started to learn about Montessori and how beneficial it can be for a child’s development and while scouring the internet for Montessori activities for a toddler, I stumbled upon a blog post on Pinterest about turning an Ikea play kitchen into a Montessori friendly kitchen for toddlers. I thought it was so cute and knew I had to try it out with our son! It was super simple to do and the kitchen itself is relatively cheap considering the quality! You can purchase it here.

This is what the kitchen looked like to start. I kept the top portion off for now because it’s really bulky and the spot I put it is in front of a window so I didn’t want that in view from the outside. Once he gets older and a little taller, I will consider putting it back on for extra storage.


You’ll also notice I replaced the faucet with a drink dispenser. I actually am using one that is plastic and shatter proof just in case and he uses this to wash his hands, get a drink of water, or rinse off his plates/utensils after meals. He’s only about 20 months old so water is still really exciting for him and I have to make sure he doesn’t get too crazy with it. lol Some days I just have to put the water up but he’s getting better about not wasting it! I also replaced the stove with a cutting board. He is currently learning to use a spreader to cut softer foods like bananas. I love watching him learn a new task!

The main reason I wanted to have a Montessori friendly kitchen is because of the independence it gives my son. He loves to do things on his own and this gives him the freedom to get some water for himself without relying on me, or we also keep a few healthy snacks that he can access. He loves raisins, granola bars, and Fresh Bellies dried fruits and veggies. Again, there are times where I have to put up the snacks because he wants to just dump them instead of eat them lol but he’ll get there eventually. :) His confidence in himself and his abilities grows stronger each day and it really is a joy to watch!

We also keep some of his plates and utensils in the cabinet as well as a small dust pan and broom. He loves to clean and I know he feels good when he helps me clean. Although he doesn’t quite understand just yet how to use the dust pan and brush, he will get there with time! Having the dishes and silverware in there allows him to help set the table as well which again, any chance he can get to help really makes him feel good and confident. It’s a win-win in my eyes!

Overall I’m really glad I ordered this for him. He really enjoys the independence it gives him and has fun in the process! If you are interested in learning more about Montessori, I highly recommend the book The Montessori Toddler. It has a ton of examples and activities and was perfect for a beginner like me! I also have shared some activities i’ve found over on my Pinterest which you can access here!